Just finished watching 'Army of Darkness.' I agree with you ZS. It's my favorite of the 3. I love it when there is a mix of horror and comedy, kind of like 'Zombieland', which was a solid 9.5 for me. The line at the end where Ash said that in his way, he is king, then he said, "Hail the king baby", that made me laugh out loud. You need to keep in mind when watching B movies that they are exactly that. My wife was watching it too and after about a half hour, I explained to her that it was a B movie and what they are, at which point she enjoyed it more because it is meant to be cheesey. I give 'Army' an 8/10. Good show, a lot of fun to watch.
Also, it kind of upset me because now I know that the entire fight scene from 'The Two Towers' was just a verbatim reenactment of the fight scene in 'Army of Darkness.'
Green Bay: Home of the Green & Gold. And the hunter orange. And the camouflage.