I'll start with music. I can't go a day without it. Or more than a couple of hours. I take my MP4 player to work, school, everywhere. As a sub-hobby of that, I'll put down my guitar, which I'm mainly neglecting... Still have to bring it to the music shop and have that rattling string taken care off. I'm guessing that the neck is a little off.
And It's pretty much everything from Status Quo to The Wombats to The Eagles. Although Muse and the Arctic Monkeys take the crown.
Secondly, gaming. I've been a ner... gamer for a bit part of my life. From Day of the Tentacle to Mass Effect to Madden.
And lastly, clothing. Or clothes shopping, really. It's a tad bit on the gay side, but I love shopping for clothers, both in stores and online. Figure out what certain people are wearing, rip off their style and blend it with mine.
Oh, and I don't know if hugging people is a hobby, but if it is, I'm awesome at it.