Especially since it's six years in now and we are STILL talking about potential on the fucking OL.
"Wade" wrote:
We are? I recall reading and hearing about how the OL needs to improve, that the musical chairs is no excuse and that he needs his assistant coaches to make his players more accountable. I've heard things like that. I don't recall hearing 'our OL has potential to be' ... blah blah.
We know our OL sucks. So do you. What next?
I say, if you want to keep the blended ZBS scheme, fire Campen and bring on someone who's an expert in the field. If you want to go full power o, I say keep Campen, get some fatties and PUNCH'EM IN THE MOUTH!!
"Zero2Cool" wrote:
"We like what we have." And what we have is, after Sitton, Wells, ... Lang (potential), Bulaga (potential), Dietrich-Smith (potential), Newhouse (potential), Spitz (potential), Colledge (well, okay, we aren't using the potential word for Daryn anymore), Barbre (well, if he's still on the roster it has to be because of potential), Giacomini (see Barbre).
What I see is that we hope our OL doesnt suck because we expect some more of that good ol' potential to work its way into performance. (That and hoping Clifton/Tausch havent lost too much).
Apart from Sitton and Wells, we got two guys who were here when Ted started who are a lot older. And potential.
Well, we had damn well have more than that come February, the sort of stuff that leads to Super Bowl appearances. Or damn straight I'm going to be unreasonable about Ted and Mike.
At some point its more than just Campen. Suppose we go one and out, and Mike and Ted get rid of Campen and/or the ZBO after this year. Do they get a couple more years to see?
Not from an unreasonable bastard like me they don't.
"Wade" wrote: