Two leagues, One winner.
Winner of League 'Zero' will face winner of League 'Ninja'. The winner will be determined by overall point totals for the entire season, including playoff points. If there's a tie, I shoot the owner of both leagues in the face.
PackersHome Zero can hold up to 12 members.
If this is exceeded we will then add to PackersHome Ninja.
Each league will have an even amount of participants.
No changes will be made to the rules, scoring or transactions after September 6th, 2010.
Scoring breakdown can be read
HERE Roster Requirements

League Rules

HERE to sign up with
PM me the email address you used and I'll send you an invite.
Yes, I'm asking you to PM me. ;) After you are logged in, you can click the "Draft" tab on the far right and click the "Rank" link to rank your players in case you miss the draft. I suggest doing this regardless if you able to attend.
I've been playing around on FleaFlicker for sometime now and I think it's smooth, easy GUI and I think you'll like it too.
Please share any thoughts or concerns with the rules, transaction settings or scoring.