Imagine if a foreigner came to American and only went to New York City. They'd go back to their own country and say "Americans are a bunch of assholes."
"zombieslayer" wrote:
Instead of putting this in the obama assassin thread; I am putting it here ... might interest you guys.
I would say about 70-80% of the people that I ask if they have been to the states say they went to new york city. And Almost all (cant think of 1) said they liked it and noone has told me the people were rude that I can remember.
and this question has been asked to all nationalities ie (its a melting pot here in london). And probably to at least 500 people.
-I personally have never been to ny-
- I will say this thou - I've run into a fair amount of people that refer to americans as loud and obnoxious and even refering to them as assholes ... I think this in reference to us over here.
- but then again the people usually making the harsh statements about americans as assholes seem like an asshole themselves and the ones that might say americans are loud and obnoxious seem a bit prude/uptight and closed off... ie take that what you will.
btw if you guys like rough stats - you might not know this (or maybe you do) most europeans think us americans are ignorant and not that versed in the world (ie we dont use our passport much).
- given that the size of the US is about equal to that of europe
I find it humorous that 85-90% do not have a general clue where the US's 3rd biggest city is in the states ie chicago. And just saying central doesnt count.
btw these rough stats are from bringing this up to 2000+ people in london. ie my patients and or random people that I meet.
There are 2 ways that I introduce where I am from - ie it frequently comes up in conversation or I just mention it because it almost always does.
#1 - If I dont feel like getting into where wisconsin is. I'll just say I'm from near chicago. Then I look at their facial expression and I might ask do you know where that is? ... and like I said 85%~ have no clue or might mention the musical that is here or some tv show. (btw I grew up in kenosha for you SE wisconsin peeps here).
Or #2 - I tell them I'm from wisconsin home of the greenbay packers; the best football team and just smile.
dont get me wrong here not all foreigners are clueless where chicago/wisconsin are located at or even what the greenbay packers are.
I just thought you guys might get a kick out my rough stats from meeting all sorts of people here in london.
- Meeting and interacting with all different types of people is one of the main reasons I am living in london.