You are right.
Just his adding how if Biden and Harris were in office it wouldn’t happen made me figure he was trying to make some kind of point that Trump being president and allowing fly overs was a waste of money, and Trumps fault.
Even though they have been doing fly overs for as long as I can remember. Whether a Democrat or republican was president.
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, chance are, it’s a duck.
Sometimes a label fits.
Of course I don’t know if Aikman is a liberal or not.
Almost all “rich” people are left leaning. Look at Hollywood. Or major league sports.
Those that come out of the closet and admit they back President Trump get raked over the coals. Like that makes them horrible people.
I don’t know.....maybe the point Aikman was trying to make is that if Biden and Harris were in office, that they would destroy the military and that would end flyovers, as there wouldn’t be any planes or military pilots to do so. Maybe he’s a conservative! ( I don’t think that’s the case, but who knows?)
Originally Posted by: Cheesey