  • Barfarn
  • Senior Member Topic Starter
7 years ago

It's funny....when Bill Clinton was in office, he could do no wrong according to the lefties. Same with Obama. He put through his "Obama care" without following laws on the books. He could act as a dictator, and what did we hear? Crickets.
So Flynn admits what HE did. So go after him!

Originally Posted by: Cheesey 

I voted for Trump in primary, figuring much of his idiocy was to get TV time. But, after getting nomination he continued to act like a moron, so adding that to his pandering to racists and his clearly amoral core, I voted Green. Wasn't upset in the slightest that Trump won. Was relieved that swamp rat Clinton lost, who thru arrogant negligence of the highest order, killed Libya's ambassador; she committed several crimes covering this up. Then came Trump's appointments: Pruitt to dismantle the EPA; Pai to take away internet access to the poorer; Price to take away health care for the poorer; Sessions, a stone cold racist to AG; Perry to dismantle the Dept of Energy; Mnuchen to DOT; plus all the generals for war and Clinton's banking swamp rats. Then he works to silence negative Press; had 6 journalists arrested and his buddy Sessions charged them with felonies because of their negative coverage of his Inauguration. A reporter get's too investigative in a press conference, they lose their credential. He's attacks the judiciary. Trump's mission was clear: destroy the fabric of our democracy and all its safeguards. And his handlers are using his own buffoonery to distract; encouraging a terror attack on US soil justify and deflect attention; and he'll start and keep wars going.

A Koch/Mercer et al bought off "Republican" congress/party is using him as a puppet to destroy conservatism. Conservatives demand a balanced budget/no debt, which allows for smaller government. Its Country's principles first, before ideology or party, so we adhere to our Rule of Law, Statue of Liberty ideals, WE ARE KIND to the People, the majority does not terrorize the minority. Then within this frame work we shrink government as much as possible. One example: We make regulation and an agency to protect the environment, because it reduces drastically the size of the G. We've been here before; the Robber Barons used their oligarchical influence to prevent environmental regulation to maximize profit. After 50-80 years the air and water quality of the nation was in peril; causing government to explode in size to clean it up. Another example: having some regulations and an agency to enforce them; requires much smaller government than the one needed to clean up the banking collapses that will occur with regularity.

Then came the stories, then proof of Russia hacking into our elections; using bots to manipulate search engines and the targeting of social media accounts in decisive precincts in decisive states. Then came proof of Russian mob money ties to Trump since the early 2000's and the Steele Dossier, which I dismissed like any goofy tabloid story. But then a 2 degrees of separation relationship vouched for Steele [not the dossier]. Now it stands 90% authenticated [0% shown false], to the point where Trump's security head admitted Trump was offered prostitutes; but they were turned down. Yea, Trump turning down pu$$y as he calls it...If the security guy isn't lying, ya know when Trump retired to the lonesomeness of his room, he picked up the phone, "Hey, Vlad about those prostitutes." 😂. There was no doubt in my mind that only the most honorable and courageous human [that's the opposite of Trump] would come clean under the vice-pressure of Putin's blackmail. Putin has GREAT interest in destroying the fabric of our democracy and gotta be laughing at us choosing to destroy or own environment after whatta we and he already know.

It was/is clear Trump is compromised. So Hitler was bad, Manson was a killer an the Cinton's suck, what the fuck does that have to do with Trump? Are you saying Clinton;s guilt exonerates Trump? Or, Clinton;s treasons means its okay for Trump? You once complimented a few of us who spoke ill of Kathy Griffith's beheaded Trump. The reason is Griffith's bad behavior cannot be justified because her target is a douche.

Its time for you to live to the standard you've set for everyone else in this regard. Stop justifying shit by pointing out that there's other shit.
7 years ago

I voted for Trump in primary, figuring much of his idiocy was to get TV time. But, after getting nomination he continued to act like a moron, so adding that to his pandering to racists and his clearly amoral core, I voted Green. Wasn't upset in the slightest that Trump won. Was relieved that swamp rat Clinton lost, who thru arrogant negligence of the highest order, killed Libya's ambassador; she committed several crimes covering this up. Then came Trump's appointments: Pruitt to dismantle the EPA; Pai to take away internet access to the poorer; Price to take away health care for the poorer; Sessions, a stone cold racist to AG; Perry to dismantle the Dept of Energy; Mnuchen to DOT; plus all the generals for war and Clinton's banking swamp rats. Then he works to silence negative Press; had 6 journalists arrested and his buddy Sessions charged them with felonies because of their negative coverage of his Inauguration. A reporter get's too investigative in a press conference, they lose their credential. He's attacks the judiciary. Trump's mission was clear: destroy the fabric of our democracy and all its safeguards. And his handlers are using his own buffoonery to distract; encouraging a terror attack on US soil justify and deflect attention; and he'll start and keep wars going.

A Koch/Mercer et al bought off "Republican" congress/party is using him as a puppet to destroy conservatism. Conservatives demand a balanced budget/no debt, which allows for smaller government. Its Country's principles first, before ideology or party, so we adhere to our Rule of Law, Statue of Liberty ideals, WE ARE KIND to the People, the majority does not terrorize the minority. Then within this frame work we shrink government as much as possible. One example: We make regulation and an agency to protect the environment, because it reduces drastically the size of the G. We've been here before; the Robber Barons used their oligarchical influence to prevent environmental regulation to maximize profit. After 50-80 years the air and water quality of the nation was in peril; causing government to explode in size to clean it up. Another example: having some regulations and an agency to enforce them; requires much smaller government than the one needed to clean up the banking collapses that will occur with regularity.

Then came the stories, then proof of Russia hacking into our elections; using bots to manipulate search engines and the targeting of social media accounts in decisive precincts in decisive states. Then came proof of Russian mob money ties to Trump since the early 2000's and the Steele Dossier, which I dismissed like any goofy tabloid story. But then a 2 degrees of separation relationship vouched for Steele [not the dossier]. Now it stands 90% authenticated [0% shown false], to the point where Trump's security head admitted Trump was offered prostitutes; but they were turned down. Yea, Trump turning down pu$$y as he calls it...If the security guy isn't lying, ya know when Trump retired to the lonesomeness of his room, he picked up the phone, "Hey, Vlad about those prostitutes." 😂. There was no doubt in my mind that only the most honorable and courageous human [that's the opposite of Trump] would come clean under the vice-pressure of Putin's blackmail. Putin has GREAT interest in destroying the fabric of our democracy and gotta be laughing at us choosing to destroy or own environment after whatta we and he already know.

It was/is clear Trump is compromised. So Hitler was bad, Manson was a killer an the Cinton's suck, what the fuck does that have to do with Trump? Are you saying Clinton;s guilt exonerates Trump? Or, Clinton;s treasons means its okay for Trump? You once complimented a few of us who spoke ill of Kathy Griffith's beheaded Trump. The reason is Griffith's bad behavior cannot be justified because her target is a douche.

Its time for you to live to the standard you've set for everyone else in this regard. Stop justifying shit by pointing out that there's other shit.

Originally Posted by: Barfarn 

Trump does have a ton of tea party retards in his retinue, but he's actually SAVING conservatism.

Look who hates him. John "Son of Cain" McCain and Lindsay "tickle my butt" Graham. Paul Ryan hates Trump.

The political scene is no longer "LEFT/RIGHT." It is EMPIRE/ANTI-EMPIRE.

This election was between two factions. One that wants to sacrifice America for Empire. The other side, wants to sacrifice Empire to save what's left of America. This is what "Nationalism" means. It doesn't mean being a Nazi. It means being AGAINST imperial wars of conquest overseas.

That said, I voted Jill too. I looked at her as the most conservative candidate.
“Winning is not a sometime thing, it is an all the time thing. You don't do things right once in a while…you do them right all the time.”
7 years ago

It's funny....when Bill Clinton was in office, he could do no wrong according to the lefties. Same with Obama. He put through his "Obama care" without following laws on the books. He could act as a dictator, and what did we hear? Crickets.
So Flynn admits what HE did. So go after him!

Originally Posted by: Cheesey 

And Obama was constantly crucified for 8 years by Fox News and Talk Radio. You act like this doesn't happen from both sides of the media, to both sides of the political spectrum year after year after year. The only problem is, every year it gets worse, because shitty opinion columns and political commentators masquerading as journalists is all we seem to have anymore. Because people like hearing what they already believe, hate being challenged, and sees shitty behavior by the "other guys" as justification for their own shitty behavior. Gotta one up those last guys because they were so unfair to MY guy, so let's just go more off the rails to compensate! And then act outraged when the other guys do the same thing when my candidate wins.

If you think Trump's being unfairly treated in the media, be an advocate for better media... on BOTH sides.
7 years ago

It was/is clear Trump is compromised. So Hitler was bad, Manson was a killer an the Cinton's suck, what the fuck does that have to do with Trump? Are you saying Clinton;s guilt exonerates Trump? Or, Clinton;s treasons means its okay for Trump? You once complimented a few of us who spoke ill of Kathy Griffith's beheaded Trump. The reason is Griffith's bad behavior cannot be justified because her target is a douche.

Its time for you to live to the standard you've set for everyone else in this regard. Stop justifying shit by pointing out that there's other shit.

Originally Posted by: Barfarn 

Unfortunately there seems to be this pervasive attitude in society where someone else's shitty behavior justifies your own. Someone chucks a ball at your own player, you chuck one back. You're "protecting your guys", but all you're doing is making a conscious decision to hurt someone that personally (unless said pitcher is at the plate) had nothing to do with the situation - Justifying it away. Someone says something shitty and out of line to you, clearly you need to say something shitty and out of line back because they "deserve it". Someone hurts you, you hurt them back. The guys on the other side of the aisle do shitty things for 4-8 years, all of a sudden said shitty things are perfectly fine if your party does it. If you want to talk about the laughable references to "Christian Values", start here. "Turn the cheek" doesn't exist in people's moral fibers anymore, and the same people espousing said values get all pumped up when Trump talks about carpet bombing the middle east if there's a terrorist attack on the US, or talking about "punching them in the mouth" or other such stuff.

This country is getting exactly what it deserves with the likes of Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump, and if Clinton would have gotten elected, we would have deserved her too. People don't give a flying crap about substance, or what is right, or understanding how the world works outside their own bubble, and the country's been circling the drain for years as a result. People complain that Congress doesn't accomplish anything, yet you look on any sort of political forum, social media comment section, etc etc etc and all people are interested in 95% of the time is pointing fingers and insulting eachother, not discussing solutions or issues.

We have trash in Washington because we keep electing them, because it's exactly what we want.
7 years ago
All I was pointing out was that the left ignores their own shortcomings, while trying to make a big deal out of the right when they think they have found something.
You know, what the lefts are doing right now by starting threads like this one.

So supposedly Russia "influenced" the election. If all it took was a few thousand posts on the internet to influence people how to vote, they must be pretty weak minded in the first place.

I believe a lot of people voted for Trump because they KNEW what they would get if Hillary got elected, which would be more of the destruction of America.

Hillary just wrote a book about the 2016 election, titled "What Happened".
It's a hard covered book, which when you open it up, has only ONE page, which says "America woke up, I lost".😝
7 years ago
It's remarkable how fast I tune out everything mentioned when I read red/blue, lib/con, left/right, etc because I already there is absolutely no objectivity whatsoever and its just a waste of time. Just like this entire thread. Pointless. Talk about boobies or something.
7 years ago

It's remarkable how fast I tune out everything mentioned when I read red/blue, lib/con, left/right, etc because I already there is absolutely no objectivity whatsoever and its just a waste of time. Just like this entire thread. Pointless. Talk about boobies or something.

Originally Posted by: Zero2Cool 

Would probably end up being accused of sexual misconduct if we did that.
The world needs ditch diggers too Danny!!!
7 years ago

It's remarkable how fast I tune out everything mentioned when I read red/blue, lib/con, left/right, etc because I already there is absolutely no objectivity whatsoever and its just a waste of time. Just like this entire thread. Pointless. Talk about boobies or something.

Originally Posted by: Zero2Cool 

Oh that's right, there's that boob thread in the back alley. Not that I go there much, but I don't think it's been touched in some time. Maybe we should revive it.
7 years ago
You can read all about it on MSNBC!
7 years ago

Oh that's right, there's that boob thread in the back alley. Not that I go there much, but I don't think it's been touched in some time. Maybe we should revive it.

Originally Posted by: Porforis 

I'd rather see boobs than read what boobs have to say about politics
Fan Shout
Zero2Cool (15m) : Mystery candidate in the Cowboys head coaching search believed to be Packers ST Coordinator Rich Bisaccia.
beast (14h) : Also why do both NYC teams have absolutely horrible OL for over a decade?
beast (14h) : I wonder why the Jets always hire defensive coaches to be head coach
Zero2Cool (22-Jan) : Still HC positions available out there. I wonder if Hafley pops up for one
Zero2Cool (22-Jan) : Trent Baalke is out as the Jaguars GM.
dfosterf (22-Jan) : Jeff Hafley would have been a better choice, fortunately they don't know that. Someone will figure that out next off season
Zero2Cool (22-Jan) : Aaron Glenn Planning To Take Jets HC Job
dfosterf (22-Jan) : Martha- C'est mon boulot! 😁
Zero2Cool (22-Jan) : Thank you
wpr (22-Jan) : Z, glad you are feeling better.
wpr (22-Jan) : My son and D-I-L work for UM. It's a way to pick on them.
Zero2Cool (22-Jan) : Thank you. I rarely get sick, and even more rarely sick to the point I can't work.
wpr (22-Jan) : Beast- back to yesterday, I CAN say OSU your have been Michigan IF the odds of making the playoffs were more urgent.
dfosterf (22-Jan) : Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better.
Zero2Cool (22-Jan) : I've been near death ill last several days, finally feel less dead and site issues.
Zero2Cool (22-Jan) : It is a big deal. This host is having issues. It's frustrating.
Martha Careful (22-Jan) : just was down
Martha Careful (22-Jan) : you were blocked yesterday, due to a a recalcitrant demeanor yesterday in the penalty box for a recalcitrant demeanor
dfosterf (22-Jan) : Was that site shutdown on your end or mine? No big deal, just curious
beast (21-Jan) : That way teams like Indiana and SMU don't make the conference championships by simply avoiding all the other good teams in their own confere
beast (21-Jan) : Also, with these "Super Conferences" instead of a single conference champion, have 4 teams make a Conference playoffs.
beast (21-Jan) : Also in college football, is a bye week a good or bad thing?
Martha Careful (21-Jan) : The tournament format was fine. Seeding could use some work.
beast (21-Jan) : You can't assume Ohio State would of won the Michigan game...
beast (21-Jan) : Rankings were 1) Oregon 2) Georgia 3) Texas 4) Penn State 5) Notre Dame 6) Ohio State, none of the rest mattered
wpr (21-Jan) : Texas, ND and OSU would have been fighting for the final 2 slots.
wpr (21-Jan) : Oregon and Georgia were locks. Without the luxury of extra playoff berths, Ohios St would have been more focused on Michigan game.
wpr (21-Jan) : Zero, no. If there were only 4 teams Ohio State would have been one of them. Boise St and ASU would not have been selected.
Zero2Cool (21-Jan) : So that was 7 vs 8, that means in BCS they never would made it?
Martha Careful (21-Jan) : A great game. Give ND credit for coming back, although I am please with the outcome.
Mucky Tundra (21-Jan) : FG to make it academic
Mucky Tundra (21-Jan) : and there's the dagger
Mucky Tundra (21-Jan) : ooooo 8 point game with 4 minutes to go!
Mucky Tundra (21-Jan) : ooooooooohhhhhh he missed!
Mucky Tundra (21-Jan) : Ooooo that completion makes things VERY interesting
Mucky Tundra (21-Jan) : Game not over yet
beast (21-Jan) : Oh yeah, Georgia starting quarterback season ending elbow injury
beast (21-Jan) : Sadly something happened to Georgia... they should be playing in this game against Ohio State
beast (21-Jan) : I thought Ohio State and Texas were both better than Notre Dame & Penn State
Mucky Tundra (21-Jan) : Notre Lame getting rolled
Martha Careful (21-Jan) : Ohio State just got punched in the gut. Lets see how they respond
Mucky Tundra (21-Jan) : Notre Lame vs the Luckeyes, bleh
Mucky Tundra (21-Jan) : Oh snap!!!
Zero2Cool (21-Jan) : Even Stevie Wonder can see that.
Zero2Cool (21-Jan) : Nah, you see Lions OC leaving to be HC of Bears is directly related to Packers.
Mucky Tundra (21-Jan) : ohhhhhhh Zero is in TROUBLE
packerfanoutwest (21-Jan) : Zero, per your orders, check Bearshome, not packershome
Zero2Cool (20-Jan) : Then he'll land with another team and flourish.
Zero2Cool (20-Jan) : Ben going to Bears. He'll be out in 3 years.
Mucky Tundra (20-Jan) : what's so funny?
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