I'm thinking Montgomery gets a healthy amount of reps at Rb. They tried it last year against the chargers before he got hurt and he wasn't half bad. With Cobb being a little banged up I think they keep him in the slot.
Originally Posted by: isocleas2
"Half bad" about sums it up. The sample size is very very very small. (3 carries 14 yards long of 9 avg 4.7) Too small to give any assessment. I wouldn't mind a real RB averaging 4.7 per carry but not a WR. A RB will get 20 carries a game. A WR will get 1-3 carries unless they are running a Wildcat offense.
Total for his career- 5 carries 14 yards long of 9 avg 2.8
A WR at RB is more of a gimmick play than anything. You need to get some decent yards in order to consider it successful. The speed of the defensive players is too great for it to work on a consistent basis. It has worked once for Ty out of 5 tries. The 4 plays that didn't work netted GB a whopping 5 yards. You need more than 1 yard a carry for it to be worth using. Many of the better RBs FALL FORWARD for an additional 3 yards after they have been hit.
I am not trying to compare the WRs to Lacy but how many times has Lacy been hit in the backfield, again at or just over the LOS and he still gets 5 or 6 yards? You won't see that from 99% of the WRs who are playing RB.