Maybe I'm mistaking here, but hearing all the press conferences and what the coaches and players are saying. They don't get beat, rather they lose them and also they don't see any reason to ever change anything. It's as if they have lives without consequences.
Aaron Rodgers said his preparation and how he goes about things had him playing at a high level and sees no reason to change. Rodgers said he is going to just trust the process and things will work themselves out. Personally, I disagree because that comes off expecting success to come without work. I'm not saying Rodgers doesn't put in the work. I'm saying he's lacking in the self scouting area. Believe me, if I can see that his footwork has changed over the last couple seasons, you know others of much greater football acumen are seeing it too.
If I was a QB guru, I would be putting Rodgers through the fundamentals and rudimentary basics. I forget what HoF QB would do this, but he told his coach to jump his case when his fundamentals were slipping. Rodgers takes it as an insult when someone mentions he isn't perfect. Of course no one cares if he's a dick, but this goes towards how he is towards things and that is directly related to his playing.
Originally Posted by: Zero2Cool
The mistake you’re making is putting any stock in stuff like this at press conferences. When asked what they are doing to play better, Rodgers has 3 choices: no comment [ya get a letter from the commish for this], tell them what you’re really doing [can’t do this]; or come up with some stupid canned bullcrap.
GB continuously self-scouts and Rodgers is getting a what-for by the staff and if he wants to lie about it and portray himself as dick to the public, who cares. I’m also not concerned in any way about him being a dickhead, except as undermines GB’s performance and the lockerroom, which affects GB’s performance.
Rodgers raised every fundamental aspect of QB play to a detailed art form, I believe like no other QB in history. The way he reads Ds, reacts to blitz, uses footwork to dance and keep balance to be in positon to throw mechanically sound, his throwing mechanics and release, the way he protects the ball, etc.; is amazing, but those things have gone from an art form to rookie-like inconsistency; actually a crappy rookie. For years, no one had to say a word to him, if he underthrew/overthrew or threw to someplace other than the most efficient spot, he was the first to realize and correct what he did wrong. Now that he is doing dozens of things wrong several times a game and week after week; he is getting reminded of even his peccadillos throughout the game and during the week.
These days one needs to be a damn psychologist to manage people, especially [temperamental] talented people. I expect McCarthy is around plan “U” in correcting Rodgers; when McCarthy fails w/ plan “Z” he tells Ted to get him off the team. We know this because McCarthy came out with over effusive praise of Rodgers. Because McCarthy is getting fed up, but cant say it, he uses his words to mask any negative vibes he might be sending out.
One would think plan “X” or “Y” is a benching; but trust boy has become such a petulant egocentric child, a benching will only make Rodgers more resistant to correction. The public embarrassment Rodgers will feel will cause him to react as an extreme cancerous force. If McCarthy decides to bench Rodgers, the only way Rodgers agrees to taking h bench in any way is Rodgers will mysteriously suffer from a minor week to week injury.
The easiest thing to do is try to correct Rodgers; when McCarthy is convinced he cant, he will kick Rodgers to the curb without hesitation.
In 2017, Rodgers will have some trade value. GB will suffer 6.6M in dead money; the AFC team will get Rodgers for 3 years 55M, which is a good deal if he wakes-up, he might. If he remains a dickhead, the AFC team can cut him without any dead money. I'm thinking Denver.