If members of this forum choose not to question TT's choice's as to personal and want to believe that he can do no wrong, then that is their choice. I however do choose to question TT's decisions.
When I see The Packers as well as many other teams and experts exhort potential draft picks (for multiple positions) and then see those players passed by to draft players of questionable ability, I do question it. Choosing players from schools that play in less competitive college conferences as players that excelled in top level conferences are passed over does make me question those choices. Because it's TT's decision is not good enough for me. The players can be "developed" is not the answer I want to hear, when developed players from the top level schools are passed by.
I don't like TT's style of management and I never have. The man is CHEAP, unwilling to risk lower round draft picks to acquire better players, and his explanations do not address his reasoning.
I don't trust him to give Coach McCarthy and his Staff the players that will give the Packers the best chance to win championships. In addition, many other teams choose their personal more wisely and do win championships. Ridgedly clinging to policies that fail to achieve the desired goal is insane.
Now if you believe that Ted Thompson can do no wrong and support whatever he does, then that is your choice. As for me, blaming individual players or coaches when the Packers loose is not my choice, I blame the decision/s that brought those players to the team.
Originally Posted by: Smokey