First off, lets get this straight right out of the gate. I quoted dfosterf, not uffda in that comment and it was quite clear to me I was poking fun at him with being so over the top and out of character. I am the last person to question someones fanhood with any ounce of seriousness. Apparently though, it was NOT as clear as I thought and for that, I apologize to whomever could have been offended.
That being said, I firmly believe both dfosterf and uffda are loyal passionate fans and have probably been fans of the Green Bay Packers longer than I've been breathing the same air as them. And I do respect that.
But, life is short and if we don't and can't have a little fun from time to time, what is the point of anything at all?
Thank you for helping me clear this up for anyone who could have been confused.
Originally Posted by: Zero2Cool