11 years ago

>Using the word "taxes" (implying all taxation) as a substitute for "Federal income taxes" (a very specific form of taxation).

Granted, property-tax heavy taxation isn't going to work nowadays. In any case, I'm asking this out of geniune curiosity and not to be combative: Do you have a source for your claims regarding income taxes? Sure, I've heard batshit fiscal ideas from some libertarians (which is part of why I hesitate to call myself one, I prefer "Libertarian but not crazy") but I've not heard any super-duper-reactionary fiscal ideas spouted from anybody of importance.

Originally Posted by: Porforis 

I predict in the next decade, you'll see what is called a VAT tax


The reason for this is because our treasury needs an influx of revenue and because wealthy people have become so resourceful at paying 14% of their income instead of 39% like they are suppose under current income tax codes, so this tax has become necessary - and it is exactly the type of regressive tax that kicks the little people in the nutz. Maybe a national sales tax will be implented.
11 years ago

I predict in the next decade, you'll see what is called a VAT tax


The reason for this is because our treasury needs an influx of revenue and because wealthy people have become so resourceful at paying 14% of their income instead of 39% like they are suppose under current income tax codes, so this tax has become necessary - and it is exactly the type of regressive tax that kicks the little people in the nutz. Maybe a national sales tax will be implented.

Originally Posted by: DakotaT 

I wouldn't be opposed to something along those lines, capital gains taxes also need to be bracketized based on income. However I don't see what that has to do with my previous post unless you're equating opposition to a VAT tax to wanting the polar opposite in which case the same can be said about many Democrats.

Side note - If I don't respond for a few days, I'm not avoiding the topic. We're leaving for the inlaws tomorrow morning, I'll be back Sunday just in time for the game and I should be back then. 🙂
  • Formo
  • Veteran Member Topic Starter
11 years ago

What rights have you had taken from you since King Barry took over? Now be specific. How exactly is your life any different?

All you jackasses have to offer is that it's going to be this way or that way someday. If the leaders of all you sheep were so smart at forecasting the future, how come none of you are wealthy yet or better yet - smarter?

Originally Posted by: DakotaT 

Who's bringing up Obummer? I haven't. This police state nonsense started long before Barack.

Did you forget about the SOPA already? That almost got through, and if it weren't for huge mega internet companies like Facebook an Google jumping all over the gubment, we'd be having some serious personal violation issues. Then there's the [url=http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS-112hr1540enr/pdf/BILLS-112hr1540enr.pdfNDAA of fiscal year 2012.[/url] That is linked to the PDF of the actual bill on the gubment's website. If the US gubment suspects you or I of terrorist activities, they can detain us indefinitely without trial. 

We continue to lose our rights to fly without being molested by poorly trained TSA agents.

C'mon man. You're making it easy for me.
Thanks to TheViking88 for the sig!!
  • Formo
  • Veteran Member Topic Starter
11 years ago

Yes I believe that, because their goal is to not pay any taxes, and without revenue, all programs are gutted. And their rationale is that the country didn't need taxes before the two World Wars so why do we need them now? That kind of thinking drives me up a wall because it is so ass backwards to the times we are living in. The fact of the matter is that we all live in this wonderful country and to ensure that we all have happines and a chance for a good life we need to pay back to our country when we are doing well. That is what a progressive tax system is designed to do - and 30 years of trickle down moronics from the right wing has put us in the current shithole we find ourselves, but the wealthy got to gut the country of it's wealth by legalized tax evasion. It doesn't really get much simpler than that. All the social issues are wag the dog tactics to draw attention away from the thievery.

Originally Posted by: DakotaT 

Oh, you only slurp up the images of the Tea Party that your precious liberal media portrays them as. This post is a joke.
Thanks to TheViking88 for the sig!!
11 years ago

If the US gubment suspects you or I of terrorist activities, they can detain us indefinitely without trial. 

We continue to lose our rights to fly without being molested by poorly trained TSA agents.

C'mon man. You're making it easy for me.

Originally Posted by: Formo 

And at what regularity is this happening? Give me some cold hard facts and I'm sure it is way less than 1% of our population being detained. You're talking about an administrative law that happened because of an invasion of our country. When the Japanese Americans were detained without doing anything wrong during WWII, they just sucked it up, didn't whine about it at all.
  • Wade
  • Veteran Member
11 years ago
There you go again, DakotaT.

Ok, time for you to put your brains where your mouth is....

Please provide some evidence that government produces more value than it costs. I'll even allow you to provide "indirect" benefits that come from "public goods". I'll also allow you to count as "benefit" any "other costs" that are saved as a result of having government do X, Y, or Z for us. You can do it for government overall, or just for the feds if you want.

I'll only require three things of you. (These are what I would require of one of my undergraduate econ majors, and you're a heckuva lot smarter than most of them.)

1. The evidence must be "quantitative" or otherwise empirical. No mere waving of one's arms about all the things government does for A, B, C, and D. You have to put a number on the benefit and you have to compare it to the amount of spending required to get that benefit. (As a bona fide producer of real economic value (i.e., that nectar of yours!) in excess of the costs of production, I know you know the difference between expenditure to make something (e.g. your labor and overhead costs) and the benefit created by said expenditure (in your case, a good measure of the benefit of much honey is the price people will pay for it).

2. If the benefit is indirect (i.e., we pay government for X and therefore we get more of the valuable thing Y), you must explain the logic whereby more X leads to more Y AND provide empirical evidence of how much X gets how much Y.

3. If the expenditure works primarily a "transfer payment" (i.e., it takes $$$ out of Peter's pocket, e.g., through taxes, and puts it in Paul's pocket), you must provide quantitative evidence that the extra value that Paul will produce over and above the costs of administering that transfer payment (i.e., the IRS and its enforcers, extra CPAs and tax lawyers and lobbyists that Peter will hire to reduce the transfer, extra CPAs and lawyers and lobbyists that Paul will pay to increase the transfer.

I'll even let you get the help of anyone else here considers themselves something other than a "bat shit libertarian" or "even crazier anarchist" to help you out. I'm not sure that allows you to use the slayer of zombies to help you or not, but I'm pretty sure it allows you to draw from anyone else here other than yours truly. Even vikesrule (who, except for that ND v. MN thing, I think you pretty much agree with) and Formo (who, I'm pretty sure you don't).

If you, by yourself or together with the massed intelligence of PackersHome-1, can do all three of the above provide credible sources for your numbers other than a political speech, ad, or editorial ... heck, if you can provide empirical evidence for two of the three, I'll abandon anarchism and vote for whichever Presidential candidate you wish in 2016.

So, yes, I'm giving you until the 12:01 a.m. on the first Tuesday of November, 2016.

I am not, however, going to hold my breadth.

Go to it.

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:2 (NKJV)
  • Formo
  • Veteran Member Topic Starter
11 years ago

And at what regularity is this happening? Give me some cold hard facts and I'm sure it is way less than 1% of our population being detained. You're talking about an administrative law that happened because of an invasion of our country. When the Japanese Americans were detained without doing anything wrong during WWII, they just sucked it up, didn't whine about it at all.

Originally Posted by: DakotaT 

Really? That was absolutely wrong too. The Japanese are weird people anyway, so how would you know what they truly felt? Regardless, it doesn't make what we did to them any more right.
Thanks to TheViking88 for the sig!!
  • Formo
  • Veteran Member Topic Starter
11 years ago

There you go again, DakotaT.

Ok, time for you to put your brains where your mouth is....

Please provide some evidence that government produces more value than it costs. I'll even allow you to provide "indirect" benefits that come from "public goods". I'll also allow you to count as "benefit" any "other costs" that are saved as a result of having government do X, Y, or Z for us. You can do it for government overall, or just for the feds if you want.

I'll only require three things of you. (These are what I would require of one of my undergraduate econ majors, and you're a heckuva lot smarter than most of them.)

1. The evidence must be "quantitative" or otherwise empirical. No mere waving of one's arms about all the things government does for A, B, C, and D. You have to put a number on the benefit and you have to compare it to the amount of spending required to get that benefit. (As a bona fide producer of real economic value (i.e., that nectar of yours!) in excess of the costs of production, I know you know the difference between expenditure to make something (e.g. your labor and overhead costs) and the benefit created by said expenditure (in your case, a good measure of the benefit of much honey is the price people will pay for it).

2. If the benefit is indirect (i.e., we pay government for X and therefore we get more of the valuable thing Y), you must explain the logic whereby more X leads to more Y AND provide empirical evidence of how much X gets how much Y.

3. If the expenditure works primarily a "transfer payment" (i.e., it takes $$$ out of Peter's pocket, e.g., through taxes, and puts it in Paul's pocket), you must provide quantitative evidence that the extra value that Paul will produce over and above the costs of administering that transfer payment (i.e., the IRS and its enforcers, extra CPAs and tax lawyers and lobbyists that Peter will hire to reduce the transfer, extra CPAs and lawyers and lobbyists that Paul will pay to increase the transfer.

I'll even let you get the help of anyone else here considers themselves something other than a "bat shit libertarian" or "even crazier anarchist" to help you out. I'm not sure that allows you to use the slayer of zombies to help you or not, but I'm pretty sure it allows you to draw from anyone else here other than yours truly. Even vikesrule (who, except for that ND v. MN thing, I think you pretty much agree with) and Formo (who, I'm pretty sure you don't).

If you, by yourself or together with the massed intelligence of PackersHome-1, can do all three of the above provide credible sources for your numbers other than a political speech, ad, or editorial ... heck, if you can provide empirical evidence for two of the three, I'll abandon anarchism and vote for whichever Presidential candidate you wish in 2016.

So, yes, I'm giving you until the 12:01 a.m. on the first Tuesday of November, 2016.

I am not, however, going to hold my breadth.

Go to it.


Originally Posted by: Wade 

lol Funny. But I won't help him. He's on his own. 🙂
Thanks to TheViking88 for the sig!!
  • Wade
  • Veteran Member
11 years ago
P.s. I'm pretty sure Kevin will be willing to break my last post into a new thread so we can all watch how this evidence accumulates.

Wouldn't you, Kevin?

We could call it the "Evidence that Wade is Full of Shit in His Government Hate" thread, or something similar.

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:2 (NKJV)
  • Wade
  • Veteran Member
11 years ago
P.P.S. Merry Third Day of Christmas, everyone!!

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:2 (NKJV)
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    Zero2Cool (2h) : James Jones. Y’all must not know, Dr. Mackenzie🤣 he was not going to let Jordan love play today.
    Zero2Cool (3h) : Malik to start. Love inactive. Per report. Let's go!!
    buckeyepackfan (3h) : I think J-10VE will be inactive, a little twist that could be put in is run a wildcat with Wicks at qb. Have him as emergency qb if needed.
    Zero2Cool (19h) : I think that's how it works.
    Zero2Cool (21h) : I'd go 3 QB regardless this game.
    Zero2Cool (21h) : Clifford was elevated, not activated. He doesn't play, it doesn't count.
    hardrocker950 (23h) : If Clifford is active, not likely to see Jordan play this weekend
    Mucky Tundra (21-Sep) : QB Sean Clifford and CB Robert Rochell elevated from the PS for the Titans game
    Zero2Cool (20-Sep) : Love questionable. Morgan is out. Valentine is doubtful
    Martha Careful (20-Sep) : Rodgers and Lazard off to a very strong start
    Zero2Cool (19-Sep) : Josh Jacobs. Limited.
    Zero2Cool (19-Sep) : Can't find anything on Jacobs :(
    wpr (19-Sep) : Do you know if they gave Jacobs an extra day off? I hope so.
    Zero2Cool (19-Sep) : WR Jayden Reed (calf) and G Elgton Jenkins (illness/glute) returned after sitting out Wednesday.
    Zero2Cool (19-Sep) : Packers are in pads and so is Jordan Love. Second straight day of practice for QB1.
    bboystyle (18-Sep) : If Love comes back, we win in a blow out
    Zero2Cool (18-Sep) : Jordan Love just spoke with reporters and said he’s giving himself the week but hopeful to play Sunday against the Titans.
    Zero2Cool (18-Sep) : Practicing is Jordan Love!
    Zero2Cool (18-Sep) : Packers are signing WR Cornelius Johnson to the Practice Squad per sources. Johnson was a 7th round pick this year.
    Zero2Cool (17-Sep) : Packers placed RB MarShawn Lloyd on injured reserve.
    Zero2Cool (16-Sep) : Rams won’t have Cooper Kupp or Puka Nacua when they host the Packers in Week 5.
    Mucky Tundra (16-Sep) : Or is that the Rusty Red Rifle because of his age?
    Mucky Tundra (16-Sep) : The Red Rifle Returns!
    Zero2Cool (16-Sep) : Panthers are benching former No. 1 overall pick Bryce Young and starting veteran Andy Dalton beginning this week.
    Mucky Tundra (16-Sep) : bears still have slim chance here
    Mucky Tundra (16-Sep) : and there's another one!
    Mucky Tundra (16-Sep) : oh crap macbob has the Texans K and he keeps hitting these long FGs
    Mucky Tundra (15-Sep) : Hope the Texans beat the brakes off the Bears
    Zero2Cool (15-Sep) : LaFleur: “I asked Malik why he didn’t throw it on that third down and he told me Josh threw up on the ball.”
    Mucky Tundra (15-Sep) : i was wondering why it was just you, me, beast and macbob by the end
    Zero2Cool (15-Sep) : Yeah it was weird today for some reason
    Mucky Tundra (15-Sep) : Oh my, marvin harrison jr might be as good as he was billed out to be
    Mucky Tundra (15-Sep) : and none of the chats on my phone are showing up on the desktop chat
    Mucky Tundra (15-Sep) : weird, i was on my phone for chat during the game but now on my desktop I look at chat and there's tons of chats i didn't see on my phone
    Zero2Cool (15-Sep) : Oh yeah, for sure. That's just not fair thoguh.
    Mucky Tundra (15-Sep) : Zero, what I meant was that surely a tech and IT genius such as yourself would find a way to change the pick
    Zero2Cool (15-Sep) : Well, I mean, I know I did, but might not have waited for it to register and went into Chat. Oh well
    Zero2Cool (15-Sep) : Or so I thought I did. lol
    Zero2Cool (15-Sep) : I had Colts for few days to throw everyone off. At 11am or so, I changed it to Packers.
    Mucky Tundra (15-Sep) : You know if you didn't say anything you probably could have changed it and no one would have noticed ;)
    Mucky Tundra (15-Sep) : Vikings over the 49ers, Bucs over the Lions
    Zero2Cool (15-Sep) : lol awesome. my pick for Packers didn't go through. sweet
    Zero2Cool (15-Sep) : Packers defense has 6 Takeaways in two games.
    Zero2Cool (15-Sep) : nah
    Martha Careful (15-Sep) : I think I've been booted out of the chat room
    Zero2Cool (15-Sep) : Jordan Love has his left leg wrapped in a sleeve as he stands on the sidelines during National Anthem.
    Zero2Cool (15-Sep) : Jaire Alexander, Eric Wilson and Elgton Jenkins are the Packers’ team captains today against the Colts.
    Zero2Cool (15-Sep) : Looks like Sean Rhyan will start at right guard, based on the early warm-ups.
    Zero2Cool (15-Sep) : No surprise, Love inactive
    Zero2Cool (15-Sep) : Inactives: 10 QB Jordan Love 27 S Kitan Oladapo 57 DL Brenton Cox Jr. 73 T Andre Dillard 79 T Travis Glover 96 DL Colby Wooden
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