Does it really matter? The dictator we have as a president now will probably win. He has all of his little sheep following his every word. Will I vote? Yes I will but, it will not be for Obama. I want our country back and with Obama, he is setting up this country for a major downfall. I predict we will be in another depression and also another attack in our country with Obama opening up the borders. I don't trust Obama and I think he is the next hitler, and not buy killing innocent people, unless you count all the kids dying in a war we can't win. But he wants complete control over everything. Lets look at a few things he has done.
1) puts in the kill switch in the white house where he can kill the internet and cell phones in the US. His reason to prevent terrorists from talking back and forth or is it so we can't talk back and forth to prevent the terrorists?
2) executive ordered in Medicare, even though last time 42 states appealed it.
3) lessens the border protection from Mexico, btw the same borders that everyone is worried about the terrorists coming thru.
4) executive order allows illegals to become citizens because he needs to find votes.
5) oh ya and lets not forget the assassination of bin laden if it is true? What happened to him going on trial or even capturing him? And what is his moto for that? You can run but you can't hide. Ok lets sound like we are bullies or Fear Obama or else.
And to think I didn't even get into how much more debt he has put us in or that he doesn't respect the flag.
But those are just my thoughts with facts mixed in there.
Just Imagine this for the next 6-9 years. What a ride it will be 🙂 (PS, Zero should charge for this)